This is an example of a 9 Star Ki personal forecast.

This sample forecast is for a 1 Water person, in the 8 Soil and 9 Fire annual houses (2002, 2003). The web pages have been formatted to resemble the printed forecast, as closely as possible. This example is best viewed with Netscape Navigator (version 4.5 or higher) or Internet Explorer (version 5.0 or higher).

This example begins in December 2002 and ends in November 2003. Since our publication is broken into monthly segments, you can order any time of the year and your publication will begin with the month you place the order. If you order in the middle of the month, don't worry. You'll still have a full year of forecasts, because we'll tack a 13th month to the end of the publication.

As an additional service, we record the final month of your existing order. So, if you decide to re-order in the future, your new forecast will pick up where your old one ended!

Your Position for the Year- House of 8 Soil (Revolution)

On February 4, 2002, you enter the house of 8 Soil (Revolution) for the year. You will occupy this annual position until February 4, 2003. In general, this is the best year, in the cycle of nine, to initiate and to experience life-altering changes. It is a good time to develop new love relationships or to recharge existing ones (provided you don't act selfishly). It is an excellent time to begin new businesses, occupations and trades; to relocate; change places of employment; move to a new home; begin a new education. It is also a good time to travel (especially if you are aware of your directionology).

Inwardly directed changes are just as important as the alterations you create in the material world. It’s a great opportunity to improve your outlook, modify your approach or technique, and to eliminate unfavorable habits.

The 8 Soil position is deep and somewhat frustrating. People who enter this house without a plan, often spend most of the year in constant search of something new to experience or do. That’s because the energy for change is there, but a lack of clear direction darkens the way. Therefore, it can be a restless time. If you feel the need to make some important changes to your life, it is most wise to proceed with a practical set of plans. Of course, it is of great benefit to begin building and organizing the main framework of your plans, prior to entering this position. That way, you’ll be better prepared. You’ll have a good idea of what you want to accomplish and the steps you’ll have to take.

If you don’t have a clear direction, this position can provide one! The tension generated, by the ki of 8 Soil, can stir up new ideas and bring new life-directions to the surface. Therefore, at the very least, this is an excellent opportunity to pay attention to the possibilities that are revealed, as you look around.

If you are relatively satisfied with your present situation and condition, then you may not be so concerned about creating monumental alterations to your life. In this case, it is still recommended that you base, at least, some of your plans on making general improvements. It will help the revolutionary ki of this house to flow in a constructive way. Your plans can be as simple as learning a new skill, seeing new sights or making new friends.

This is an excellent time to make healthful improvements to your diet!

Rely on your flexible 1 Water nature and go with the flow. But, when the path forks, be certain to move in the direction that carries you closer to your goals. The best months for new enterprises are July & August.

December 7, 2002 through January 4, 2003- House of 8 Soil

World View:

Waking in deep contemplation,
the laughing monk shouts
the true name of the mountain.
Monthly Influence: controlling

General Quality: revolution, change
Inner Vision:

Waking in deep contemplation,
the laughing monk shouts
the true name of the mountain.
Annual Influence: controlling

General Quality: revolution, change

One Water individuals have many opportunities to make dynamic use of their year in revolution. You occupy the double 8 Soil position in March and, again, in December. Of even greater potential benefit, you occupy an 8 Soil / Tree combination, midyear. For one third of the year, you are deeply involved with the ki of rising energy and dynamic change. This provides many opportunities for new pursuits and adventures. However, the rambunctious nature of this house can wear you down and generate stress.

Eight Soil moves Water into Spring. But, in doing so, it can create turbulent conditions. Perhaps, the greatest pressure comes from the constant effort and vigilance required to guarantee that you are moving towards your goals, instead of a less advantageous direction. This is especially true in March and December. Great things can happen, but not without sincere effort.

The general advice from March is still useful:

1) It is an excellent opportunity to move your life in exciting and beneficial new directions. But, it’s also a time to be cautious that the energies don’t place you into unwelcome situations.

2) You must proceed with a clear vision of your goal and with well structured plans. If you don’t, then 8 will likely send you down another path.

3) You should be attentive. Watchful that events are unfolding in a positive way. Making corrections, as needed, before small issues become large problems.

4) Eight Soil indicates a greater freedom of movement. To meet new people and visit new locations. If you make a trip, check your directionology and prepare well.

5) Even if you choose to do nothing, this position is very interesting. The ki of this house will tend to “eat at you”. To motivate you to make improvements and to modify your entire life, for the better.

6) Making small changes can relieve stressful conditions. But, you should use your naturally strong intuition, to assure that new activities will harmonize with your immediate and long-term goals.

There are also some comments that are specific to the December time period. In March, you had just entered the 8 Soil annual adventure. The entire year stretched out before you. You had plenty of time to make use of the revolutionary ki. This house was new to you. Therefore, much of the energy was well spent in adapting to the mood of your position. Now, you are very familiar with the energies. You have had additional time to formulate your strategy and to set activities into motion. So, you should be able to make more powerful use of this time period.

Also, there is a sense of urgency to this period. You may see this as your last good opportunity to make life altering changes. In a way, that is true. The ki of this house certainly does open the door to bold new directions. But, if you feel this need to take dynamic action, slow down and evaluate your situation. If you are not prepared, then you are not prepared and that is all. Over the course of time, there will be other opportunities to make profound improvements. Why set out, half ready, only to let 8 Soil push you in a less productive direction?

Instead, let the ki of 8 bring you to a boil. Bring on the dynamic change, but on an inward course. Enliven your creativity and ideas. Lengthen your list of future possibilities. Define the intermediate steps that will be required to put your plans into motion. Maybe, you’ll find that you can act on the first step, right away!

If you are prepared, then go! If you have already set off in a new direction, then push it to the next level!

Another opportunity for dynamic change! Sometimes, the best changes are saved for the last. All through the year, the bow is drawn back. Now, the arrow flies! Sometimes, the power of revolution is in maintaining a steady course. To be solid for the future. Look within. Look around. You must decide. A defining moment.

January 5 through February 3, 2003- House of 9 Fire

World View:

Sunlight on the path.
The child discovers a fortunate way
between enlightenment and confusion.
Monthly Influence: controlled

General Quality: brilliance, fame
Inner Vision:

Waking in deep contemplation,
the laughing monk shouts
the true name of the mountain
Annual Influence: controlling

General Quality: revolution, change

Your final month in the house of change. Eight Soil’s overriding influence begins to fade from sight. A weight from your shoulders. However, the 9 Fire energy of your monthly position provides mild support to 8, keeping its influence alive and apparent, in some situations. Also, there are some uneven energies between your 1 Water ki and 9 Fire. Water is deep and secretive, retaining a vast storehouse of potential below the surface. Fire is superficial and flamboyant; what you see is what you get. However, Water controls Fire, therefore most events will be manageable.

In general, the characteristics of Fire are very positive. It has a fortunate, illuminating quality that can be very helpful. Fire is light hearted, but chaotic. Generous, but flighty. Fire is very important, now, due to your position in time. Next month, you enter the 9 Fire position for the entire year. So, you can use this month as a transition period; an opportunity to become familiar with the nature of the coming times. The annual ki of 8 Soil will prove to be of excellent service, helping you to adapt to the changing conditions.

You also occupied this 9 Fire / 8 Soil position, last April. Here are some general comments from that time:

1) Fire is the ki of good fortune and illumination. Therefore, most of your projects and experiences will be interesting and will tend to unfold in a favorable way.

2) This is an excellent time to boost fledgling and ongoing ventures, with new vitality and enthusiasm.

3) This is a good time to promote or to advertise a new business or project. Nine Fire is the ki of “fame” and your visibility is very strong. It’s a good time to bring most important issues to the public’s attention.

4) You will have a much better time if you keep your feet planted firmly on the ground and let the events unfold before you, rather than chasing after each and every fleeting opportunity for self gratification. Take part in the activities, but in moderation.

5) This is a time to consciously avoid behavior that is too chaotic and to broadcast an image of competence and balance.

Being in the 9 Fire monthly house, this is an excellent time to review your year in the house of revolution. Use the ki of Fire to illuminate obvious turning points in your progress, your ideas and, especially, in any changes that you brought about. Don’t try to dig into the deep, underlying causes. Focus on the obvious successes and blunders and think about ways to improve your progress, in the future.

Clearly, this is also an excellent time to look forward. You are headed into a bright and adventurous year. Though, at times, you will experience events that are a little more disorganized and superficial than you would like. This month provides a good opportunity to practice controlling small fires.

Your outlook will brighten, especially near the end of the month. You can begin to look for other signs that are associated with Fire energy; like increased attention from others, hearing good news, and less time for quiet pursuits, like reading and self reflection.

Travel is indicated. You are free to move in any direction, with just a little extra caution.

This is an excellent time to observe the world around you; to “window shop” for interesting ideas and events that you may wish to pursue in the future.

Your New Position for the Year- House of 9 Fire

On February 4th, 2003, you enter the annual house of 9 Purple Fire. You will reside in this house until February 4th, 2004. This is a time of positive, upbeat energy. This is also a time for fortunate events. People will pay far more attention to you, than you may appreciate. However, it is an excellent year to showcase your capabilities and talents. But, this is a double edged sword. If you allow yourself to become swept up in the fortunate aspects of the times, your behavior can become too superficial, spontaneous or, even, unethical. That too, would be noticed.

Usually, you will find that it is best to proceed with quiet, constructive tenacity. However, if you are certain that an issue can be clarified or improved then, by all means, speak out. If you are unsure, then it will be better to think before you take action. Clear communications are vital. Self serving comments are not.

This is your “season in the sun”. Your personal 1 Water ki maintains an antagonistic relationship with 9 Fire. You understand the power of silence and quiet reflection. Fire, on the other hand, is flamboyant and superficial. So, your opportunities for silent contemplation and deep thinking are reduced. At times, it will be important to remember that Water controls Fire. Take your time, be yourself, don’t burn out.

Generally speaking, your experiences will be more varied and more chaotic than usual. You’ll have plenty of opportunities to meet new people and to do new things! While most of these events will be enjoyable, you will find that, at times, there will be so much happening that it may become difficult to choose the best option. Try to keep a clear focus and get sufficient rest.

The flames of a fire are random and ever-changing. You may not have a lot of time to become involved with any single event or issue. The rapid-fire course of events will tend to present things on a more superficial level. However, this is an excellent time to “window-shop” for future possibilities. If you encounter new ways and experiences that you would like to pursue, you can take note of them, now, and incorporate them into your plans for the coming years.

Don’t allow yourself to become so distracted, by the course of events, that you lose sight of your greatest dreams and goals. The more grounded you are, the more enjoyable your life will be, especially if you allow yourself sufficient time for rest. If you become bored, it’s okay to push, a little, for more excitement, recognition, romance, money, fun, whatever you wish. But, don’t push too hard! Fire is very combustible. Events have a way of generating more, diverse events. Usually, all you’ll have to do is wait, an hour or two, and the excitement will come to you.

Since this energy is auspicious and elicits social notice, it naturally follows that romance is a distinct possibility. Indeed, the fiery nature of the times can produce some extremely passionate responses. But, it is important to realize that 9 Fire is very expansive; brilliant on the surface, but without much substance at the center. So, relationships that begin, now, tend to be superficial and are usually temporary. I look at it like this. If it’s going to last, it will survive the test of time and continue on, after you have moved from this annual position. Should it be temporary, guard your heart and try to remain grounded. Also, it is clearly important to remember the value of existing, long-term romances and friendships.

Concerning the heart. Fire ki energizes the cardiovascular and the small intestine meridians. Since the associated organs, including the heart, are indicated, symptoms and problems in these areas can come to the surface. Stress reducing activities, like walking and sufficient rest, are advised.

Don’t try to cling to new events, people or places. If they hold an important, lasting value, they will resurface in the future and endure. For now, maintain your balance, don’t succumb to superficial distractions, and enjoy the ride!

February 4 through March 5- House of 1 Water

World View:

New moon sets below the lake.
Wind and wave. Peril and distress.
Inner strength calms the surface.
Monthly Influence: harmonious

General Quality: depth, darkness
Inner Vision:

Sunlight on the path.
The child discovers a fortunate way
between enlightenment and confusion.
Annual Influence: controlled

General Quality: brilliance, fame

In January, you had an introductory taste of your year in 9 Fire. Now, as you move into the new annual position, Fire is still in a relatively quiet phase. Your personal ki controls Fire energy, as does the 1 Water ki of your monthly house. Since you occupy your home position in 1 Water, for the month, you have some opportunity for deep thinking and quiet reflection. It is advised that you use this time wisely. Soon, the ki of your annual position will heat up!

Since you are a 1 Water individual, occupying the 1 Water monthly position, you will feel at home. You can absorb the mood of your new annual house, from a position of familiarity and relative comfort. You can ease your way in, quietly and with composure.

Due to this blend of Fire and Water, you must guard against extremes. Keep everyone in the communications loop and maintain a steady course. If your approach is balanced and ethical, conditions will improve. Avoid being overly aggressive, brash or flirtatious. Superficial behavior can breed deeper complications.

Yin Fire is very expansive, with lots of kinetic energy. Yang Water dissipates Fire, in part, but cannot completely liquidate all of the high activity. As a result, positive events and distractions continue to form (9 Fire) but, when they do, they arouse 1 Water, making waves. Therefore, forceful movements and sudden changes are surrounded by misunderstandings, complications and time consuming details. Extreme behavior, of any kind, can darken the path and create confusion.

Just as this Water / Fire combination suggests, there is a strong polarity, now, and your experiences will tend to fluctuate. At times, you may feel charged with energy while, other moments, you can feel quite tired. There will be a greater tendency for your feelings to swing between the positive and negative emotional levels.

There is a tendency to become involved with many different projects and issues. When your progress is hampered, you see additional complications as enemies; barriers to be pushed aside. Only to find that, the harder you push, the more you become tangled in the web. It is very important to realize that this ki combination will not last. It’s okay to let go; to withdraw and to simplify your approach!

Prioritize. Focus on the details surrounding the most heated issues and put your other interests on the back burner. If secondary conditions have any lasting importance, they can be addressed in the future.

Think before you speak. Actually, a silent approach can be very beneficial, but not to an extreme! If a clarification is required, make it. Excess talking can cause misunderstandings. A few thoughtful words bring clarity.

This combination of 9 Fire (receiving attention) and 1 Water (sexuality) has two sides. If you are humble, thoughtful and kind, this can be a very interesting month. If you are thoughtless, disorganized and spontaneous, there may be complications. Both, warm romance and trouble will stalk you.

Beyond the antagonisms, combined Fire (illumination) and Water (intuition) offer some unique opportunities. This is an excellent time to study the inner and outer workings of any social relationship; be it personal, professional, or concerning other individuals or groups. This is the perfect time to reflect upon previous and existing experiences; to separate passing whims from long-term interests.

For best results, avoid dietary extremes. Yang animal foods, especially red meat, poultry and eggs, will generate impatience, careless mistakes and sexual aggression. Yin alcohol, sugar and excess liquids will weaken your stamina and your judgment. A simple diet of whole grains and grain products, with fresh vegetables and simple cooking, will help to minimize extreme shifts in moods and events.

A simple life breeds less complications. A clear, well rested mind makes order from chaos. A thoughtful, loving heart is not easily fooled. A calm, attentive voice cuts through the darkness. Success through observation, simplicity and humility.

March 6 through April 4- House of 2 Soil

World View:

Patient, steady the Ox proceeds,
begins to pull with others now.
The way becomes clear.
Monthly Influence: controlling

General Quality: planning, gathering
Inner Vision:

Sunlight on the path.
The child discovers a fortunate way
between enlightenment and confusion.
Annual Influence: controlled

General Quality: brilliance, fame

Last month was marked with strong fluctuations between disharmonious ki elements (Fire & Water). However, your 1 Water personal ki was the dominant force. In some situations, this will no longer be the case. The 2 Soil ki of your monthly house has a controlling influence over your Water nature; blocking your progress and causing stagnation. Also, disruptions that occurred, last month, may require additional time and attention before they return to balance. This month, the challenge is in dealing with existing difficulties while making preparations for a successful future.

Since Water overrides the ki of your 9 Fire annual house, you still retain control over your long-term projects and goals. It is the short term issues that can cause the most grief. If you react in a balanced way, these issues will fade, over time, and you can make valuable headway during the coming months.

Last month, it was explained that excess or careless talking could cause misunderstandings. Now, the situation is very different. This is an excellent time to strengthen existing friendships and alliances and to forge new ones. In fact, social interaction can play a vital role in amending problems from the past.

However, one caution remains! It is important to think before you speak. The present ki combination (2 Soil Month / 9 Fire Year) can generate some very superficial notions and responses. So, it’s advised that you guard against sudden, reckless comments.

This need for a deep, considerate approach is not limited to conversation. Most all events will prosper, if a little thought is placed before action. Unlike the previous period, all existing energies are now very yin, expansive and bright. That’s great! But, for balance, you need to temper your attitude with your natural 1 Water sense of depth and wisdom.

In matters of love, this is an opportunity to reinforce existing bonds, to develop trust and to encounter new romance. Again, it is best to utilize a thoughtful, sincere approach. Superficial entanglements can be alleviated by placing the needs of others’ before your own.

All of your energies need not go into making love and repairs. Starting next month, you’ll pass through two months of Tree energy; a time for action, progress, and new beginnings. You will be very supportive of this ki. However, much of Tree’s favorable energy will flow into supporting the 9 Fire ki of your annual house; making antagonistic 9 even stronger! So, even though you can make considerable progress, you will still have to deal with an unusual level of public attention and you should think before you act.

The best way to utilize the coming times, is to enter them with a well structured strategy for success. So, while you are socializing, making friends and romancing, please remember to also organize, reflect and acquire the tools and plans you’ll need, in preparation for the immediate future. Indeed, the present period is not so good for bold action. Wait until next month to place important projects and ventures into motion.

Though 9 Fire and 2 Soil hold much in common, there are some interesting differences. Fire is more chaotic and spontaneous. Number 2 Soil is more reserved and consistent. When you enter this position, the lighthearted nature of the times may inspire you to surge forward; to go out and become involved in many areas. That’s okay, but please keep 2 Soil’s more stagnant nature in mind. Moving ahead, in this position, is like running in molasses. The harder you push, the slower you go. Try moving along at a consistent, steady pace; gathering new information and enjoying the way, as you go.

Please don’t get the idea that this is a time to be lazy or unproductive. In fact, you can be very active, outgoing and dynamic. Just move forward with patience.

This combination really increases your social visibility. Therefore, it is important to keep your personal ethics and long-term goals in mind. It’s okay to take on new opinions and ideas, but don’t allow yourself to be moved from your true path by temporary enticements or superficial plans. If your activities have been unethical or self serving, you may become scrutinized by the public eye. If you remain consistent and productive, you will shine like a star!

Looking to a bright future. Clearing problems from the past. Depending on existing entanglements, your present may not be the best. But, you know? You have the power to move forth with balance and dignity, faith in your soul and love in your heart. Success through clear communication, preparation and true concern.

April 5 through May 4- House of 3 Tree

World View:

The dragon surmounts the sky,
humble, hopeful, adaptable.
The dawn of a new adventure.
Monthly Influence: supported

General Quality: thunder, rising sun
Inner Vision:

Sunlight on the path.
The child discovers a fortunate way
between enlightenment and confusion.
Annual Influence: controlled

General Quality: brilliance, fame

Last month, it was commented that moving ahead, when occupying the 2 Soil position, was like running in molasses. Forceful actions brought difficulties and obstacles. Now, you occupy the 3 Tree monthly house. You are free to run, you are free to fly. In fact, this time period is so energetic that you may feel like you have been shot out of a cannon.

This is a time when you can make headway in many different areas. However, new challenges will arise! Keep your priorities straight, be honest and don’t spread your resources too thin. You can be bold, but think before you act. This combination of action (3) and spontaneity (9) can cause you some grief, if not handled with forethought. Try to get enough rest and walk in faith.

Because this time period is so power packed and expansive, you can expect some chaotic situations. But, most new events will be interesting, to say the least!

Last month, it was advised that you plan ahead, for this time period, and make suitable preparations for any ventures, projects or improvements that you would like to initiate. If you have developed your plans, you can now set them into dynamic motion.

The expansive nature of your 9 Fire annual position makes it difficult to generate a long lasting project that is practical and straightforward. Short-term activities that can be completed in two or three months, are usually more practical. However, if you have the spirit and the determination, you can take a shot at a more permanent adventure. Pay attention to details!

This combination of 9 Fire (illumination) and 3 Tree (rising energy) indicates that your personal conduct, your activities, will be illuminated. People will focus less on who you are and more on what you are doing. When we are in the Fire position, we tend to be less cautious and more spontaneous; getting involved in issues and situations that are interesting but not so familiar. Therefore, our skills are reduced until we learn how to cope and interact with the new conditions.

Since your involvement with unfamiliar conditions is more visible, people may judge you to be more flighty and less capable than you really are. Knowing this, you can make a conscious effort to conduct your activities in a better light. You can focus upon problems and conditions that best suit your talents and knowledge, and go about making repairs and improvements in those areas. Also, you can keep your approach as organized, competent and ethical, as possible, throughout the course of this time period. Showcase your brightest skills and let the “real you” shine through! You don’t have to brag or be pushy. Just move quietly along, with proficiency and tenacity.

This can be a good time for romance. But, again, you are warned that it is difficult to initiate long-term conditions. Enjoy the moment, but don’t try to cling on. And do keep the emotions and needs of others in mind. This is also an excellent time to add “fire” to an existing relationship.

You may, very well, find several different situations arising, at once, which all require your attention. This could tax your ability to concentrate. So, while you may be very busy, fulfilling the requirements of the many, a few individuals (who are only interested in how you’re doing with their personal needs) may not appreciate your apparent lack of focus on their specific area of interest. Try to make clear, to everyone involved, the exact nature of your workload.

If you can communicate your current set of obligations, in an orderly and responsible manner, most people will respect the dynamics of your situation and, indeed, develop respect for you, as a very dynamic person!

Anger is not an option. If you began to feel physically tight or overly nervous, try to modify your excess energy through mild exercise, like walking. Also, you can reduce the amount of salt and animal food in your daily diet and increase your intake of raw, or lightly cooked, leafy vegetables.

This combination of energies indicates travel. Use a little extra caution when traveling due east or due west. If you do take a trip, it is advised that you plan your itinerary well, before leaving. Again, pay attention to details.

The ki of this house is supportive of new ideas and points of view. However, you may find that you are simply too busy to pursue new topics. In this case, you can take careful note of interesting new concepts, for a more thorough inspection in the future.

An interesting view! Making order out of chaos. Be flexible but maintain focus. Success through forethought and prioritization.

May 5 through June 5- House of 4 Tree

World View:

Cherry blossoms fill the branch.
Gardener proceeds with loving care.
Indecision bears weak fruit.
Monthly Influence: supported

General Quality: fruition, inspiration
Inner Vision:

Sunlight on the path.
The child discovers a fortunate way
between enlightenment and confusion.
Annual Influence: controlled

General Quality: brilliance, fame

The driving force for renewal and adventure, that began during the course of the previous month (3 Tree- rising energy), becomes more refined. Though the way has not always been easy, you have achieved some successful results and your efforts have been noticed. Now, it is important to remain focused upon and dedicated to the present course of events, as they unfold and new accomplishments arise.

The ki of your annual 9 Fire position is strengthened by the ki of 4 Tree and events become more expansive, bringing you into an ever-widening sphere of activities. As this expansion occurs, it becomes more difficult to juggle all aspects of your personal projects and obligations. Therefore, a precise attentiveness upon the most important issues is paramount, for success. Though events tend to be more expansive and chaotic, the likelihood for positive outcomes and successful results is very strong now. So, while life is more hectic than usual, it is also more rewarding in many ways.

The ki of 4 Tree and 9 Fire are very yin. Four expands up, like the branches of a mature tree. Nine expands out, like fireworks in the sky. Therefore, you open up; move out into the world and into the presence of diverse people, places and events. Therefore, many potential incidents and possibilities can arise. And the likelihood for success depends, very much, on your personal balance; on how well you utilize this time period.

A soft, nurturing touch is suggested, because the activity levels are already very strong. So, if you are very spontaneous or thoughtless, you will likely become involved in too many adventures and issues. Instead, you can prioritize. Choosing the most important aspects and maintaining a focus on them.

The idea is to try to keep your path fairly straightforward and organized; to get on with your daily routine. But, not to the extent that you completely ignore the circus of positive and interesting events, as they unfold around you.

Your personal ki will relax a bit. You will feel less driven and will have a little more time to think before you act. Please use these precious spare moments wisely! Make a point of becoming more prudent and thoughtful in your approach towards new issues and ongoing situations. If you take the time to relax, prioritize and plan, you will be able to bring about positive events. And, you will be more open towards the enjoyment of successful results, as they arise.

Due to the fiery nature of your annual position, most of your experiences will be in a constant state of flux. Things will tend to quickly culminate, then fade and give rise to other events. So, this is not a time to cling to your achievements for very long. Rather, it is recommended that you remain balanced, share your good news and good fortune, then move on with a clear focus upon the next situation. You can review your passage through the annual house of 9 Fire, through mature eyes. The house of 4 Tree supports analytical thinking.

It’s a good time to socialize and celebrate life. However, due to the positions you occupy, positive situations and fortunate events will travel directly towards you. Therefore, you don’t have to chase after each and every enjoyable option that comes your way. Why exhaust yourself, running here and there, when the best things are arriving at your own doorstep? Enjoy, but stay centered, peaceful and healthy!

It is recommended that you keep your diet simple, avoiding excess meat, sugar, alcohol and other extreme foods. Your position for the year (9 Fire) puts you in the public eye, so excessive personal behavior will definitely be noticed. Eating a balanced diet will help you to cultivate a deeper sense of maturity and personal competence, which will broadcast itself on a social level and, more importantly, on your own self-opinion. Try to cultivate and maintain a real sense of balance and internal trust!

In matters of love and romance, try to keep existing relationships strong and comfortable.

For those dwelling in the Northern Hemisphere and near the equator, the seasonal energy will strengthen the influence of, both, 4 Tree and 9 Fire!

Blessings and chaos. Focus and disarray. Lonely in the center of the crowd. New challenges turn to possibilities if you choose the way with a heart. Don’t let yourself get burned.

June 6 through July 6- House of 5 Soil

World View:

Nature does not have to insist,
Can blow for only half a morning,
Rain for only half a day.
Monthly Influence: controlling

General Quality: the axis, karma
Inner Vision:

Sunlight on the path.
The child discovers a fortunate way
between enlightenment and confusion.
Annual Influence: controlled

General Quality: brilliance, fame

You are in the annual house of 9 Purple Fire. Now, as you enter the house of 5 Soil (karma) for the month, these two energies combine to bring your personal past into light. At this time, your past thoughts and deeds become quite difficult to hide, not only from yourself but, also, from others (9 Fire- illumination).

If you have carried out your life in a caring, diligent and ethical manner, especially during the course of the past several months, then you can gain appreciation and support from others. If have behaved egocentrically, or have actually caused meaningful harm, you may find yourself caught up in embarrassing social situations. You will witness justice on a very personal level.

You will have greater control over circumstances. However, due to your position in the annual house of 9 Fire, it is recommended that you are not too rigid in your management of people and events. Situations are many faceted and, in most cases, are undergoing rapid change. If you try to organize by clinging on and maintaining a steady state of affairs, you will not be able to stop the motion of Fire and you will, likely, create more chaos than control.

Look, instead, towards a deeper form of authority and guidance. While you cannot organize the ki of fortune and rapid expansion, you can certainly provide a structure and a schedule to your personal life. It is highly recommended that you organize your life to the extent that you will have sufficient time for rest and for the preparation of balanced meals. It is also beneficial to set aside some quiet time, in order to organize your thoughts.

If you can develop a simplicity of thought and action, in your own approach, you will be able to take part in life’s adventures from a more refreshed and serene point of view.

This is an important time to observe. If you review the thought processes and activities that you have been involved with, during the course of the previous year, you will begin to see how your actions have brought the present sequence of events into being. The stage has been set and you can, now, attain a better understanding of how your personal energies relate to the ki of your annual position.

This is an excellent time to learn how to coexist, to dance with the ki of Fire. By studying the positive and negative aspects of the times, you can fine-tune your approach. But, don’t expect to be prepared for each and every aspect of your adventure in the Fire position! New events will continue to arise, during the course of the year.

Though you will have more than the usual number of opportunities for play or travel, you should remember that your position for the month indicates stillness and quiet reflection. At times, you may have to make a conscious effort to find the time to hold still and to center yourself. It is recommended that you do seek out times for rest and composure. This is a house of differing energies. Fire indicates expansiveness, opening out warmly and expressively, to the world. On the other hand, we have 5 Soil’s inclination for stillness. But, 5 is also the position of karma. If there are some karmic conditions, associated with a specific town, seashore or other location, don’t be surprised to find that events demand that you go there. If you must travel, proceed with a little extra caution and set aside time for reflection and composure.

You can use the house of 5 Soil to become more organized and centered in an, otherwise, more chaotic year.

Take the time to scrutinize both the negative and positive aspects of this house. Through this examination process, you can come to realize what it is you will have to do in order to keep your dream vital. As the realizations come, you can incorporate them into your plans.

Because the 9 Fire position is so fortuitous, some people develop an attitude of self-entitlement, because so many things are “going their way”. Forgetting that things have not always been (and will not always be) so fortunate, they can become pushy and arrogant. Do not let yourself fall into this trap! While in the house of 5 Soil, your chances for success will be greatly diminished if you become too forceful. It is better to remain calm and loving; to watch and learn as the events unfold.

Look around! What new people, ideas, locations and experiences have you encountered? Which of these do you want to avoid, in the future? And, which of these do you want to incorporate into your life, on a more permanent basis? This is a time to make choices, but not so good for forceful action. Next year, you will inhabit the 1 Water position and you will have a better opportunity to compare elements from your outer experience with your inner mindset and emotions. The present time period offers an excellent occasion for collecting new directions and possibilities, for deeper consideration in the future.

Karma and illumination. Easier for you to see how your past has shaped your present. Easier for others to see, as well! Remain as organized as possible. Don’t be forceful! Watch and learn.

July 7 through August 6- House of 6 Metal

World View:

Full moon over ripe fields.
Steady now.
The king resumes his throne.
Monthly Influence: supporting

General Quality: prosperity, solidity
Inner Vision:

Sunlight on the path.
The child discovers a fortunate way
between enlightenment and confusion.
Annual Influence: controlled

General Quality: brilliance, fame

Fire cools down, but is far from quenched! An interesting combination of energies. Normally, the 6 Metal ki would tend to generate a strong, consolidating mood. However, if you are in the Northern Hemisphere or are near the equator, the combined annual ki (Fire) & seasonal energy (summer, fire) are simply too expansive to establish a sense of peace and order. Still, the monthly ki provides some support amidst the chaos.

For people in the Southern Hemisphere, the mood is a little different. Fire and Metal tend to clash with one another. Fire, the energy of summer and high activity, meets 6 Metal, late autumn and solid resilience. This combination brings on a change that is surprisingly similar to the passage of Summer to Fall. There is less celebration and disorder. Events tend to be more reserved. Like an empty amusement park that has just closed for the season.

In either case, 6 Metal does support your 1 Water personal ki, in a very helpful way. Metal, especially 6 Metal, provides definition. Visualize a metal bowl containing water. The water takes on the shape of the bowl, providing a sense of continuity and security. Though your outlook is now more composed and organized, you may feel a sense of loss. As if your vacation has come to an end or something important has been stolen.

Relax. Though the mood has changed, 9 Fire will remain very active. In fact, Fire melts Metal and, therefore, remains the predominant influence. But, it is time to slow down; to regroup your approach and attend to obligations. Few decisions could be worse, now, than to choose to ignore your responsibilities. Remember, Water controls Fire.

You will notice that your daily tasks and responsibilities lead in a prosperous direction. In fact, if you are happy with your current life and profession, 6 Metal’s “limitations” will seem more like a clearly defined corridor towards material wealth and continued progress. Enjoy it or not, it is recommended that you become involved with those daily demands that clearly lead to solid, future success.

Metal has the attributes of solidarity, integrity, density and condensation. On the other hand, the personality of Fire is one of chaos, flamboyance, brightness and plasma. Therefore, if the energy of your annual house has left you somewhat disorganized and confused, you can use the present time to put your life in order. See 6 Metal as a solid foundation, a base of operations to work from.

Due to your position for the year, you can expect some plans and activities to become rearranged again, rather quickly, through the dynamics of ongoing situations and events. The trick, here, is maintaining a sense of structure and order, without becoming so rigid that you are knocked off balance every time a new condition appears. Remember, the energy of 9 Fire (fortune) tends to bring about positive outcomes, so don’t be overly concerned if you are not in control of each and every experience. Just stay as organized as possible.

Some of the attributes of Fire and Metal can blend, very well, to bring about prosperous (6 metal) and fortunate (9 Fire) events. This combination of good fortune and financial improvement is auspicious but dubious. Since your annual 9 Fire house indicates a high degree of social visibility, the ki of Metal can cut either way. For example, if your past has been criminal or unethical, others will likely learn about it and, so, there will be little opportunity for material success. However, if your personal history is known, by many, to be honest, diligent and talented, then the opportunities for recognition, promotion and prosperity are extremely strong.

Also, the marriage of 6 Metal (clarity) and 9 Fire (illumination) can make new aspects and possibilities apparent. This is a good time to look around and take note of the many avenues that life has to offer! If you see something you like, it is usually better to add it to your list of plans for the future, rather than to set out in immediate pursuit. This is due to the active nature of Fire energy. At this time, you will be busy enough with the daily tasks! Look for opportunities for future prosperity.

Metal is solid and heavy. It is difficult to set into motion but, once you have, it moves straight ahead and is difficult to stop. If you decide to force a process, relationship or event into action, be certain to have a clear idea of your goal and take good aim! Once you have set things in motion, they will begin to generate their own consequences. Since your position in Fire can produce differing perspectives and a wavering opinion, be very certain of your target. When aiming Cupid’s arrow, be very certain, indeed!

Fire energy can have a detrimental influence upon your large intestines and on your lungs (especially if you smoke). And the ki of 6 Metal will tend to bring problems in these organs to the surface. If you do encounter an illness, be certain to do everything you can to correct the condition quickly. In this case, the annual energies will provide little support.

Stay alert in traffic and around all machinery. This is not a good time to advertise your wealth.

A chance to get back in touch! To regroup and for organization. Meeting daily challenges. Success through practicality and dedicated work.

August 7 through September 7- - House of 7 Metal

World View:

Five princes enter the palace.
At the banquet some may fall.
Clear thought and tongue prevail.
Monthly Influence: supporting

General Quality: pleasure, joy
Inner Vision:

Sunlight on the path.
The child discovers a fortunate way
between enlightenment and confusion.
Annual Influence: controlled

General Quality: brilliance, fame

The mild sense of stability and order, that began last month, continues. But, the influence is even less evident. Like 6 Metal, 7 Metal is associated with the autumn season. But, 7 is early autumn. A time of brisk evenings and starry skies, but with sunlit, balmy days. The leaves of summer still cling to the branches, radiant in beautiful red, glowing orange and vibrant yellow.

As such, 7 is more expansive; more similar to the ki of summer and Fire. Indeed, it is easier for 9 Fire to melt this softer, more compliant Metal. So, 9 begins, once again, to shine in force. Don’t struggle. Don’t cling to the past. This is a natural progression. 7 Metal provides strong support to your 1 Water personal ki. And Water controls Fire. So, the most dominant energy of this time period is your own. Balance!

Since 7 Metal ki is more expansive than 6 Metal energy, the present time period will tend to be less restrictive and regimented. Because of 7’s more yin, higher vibration, the emphasis moves away from materially oriented issues, like money, but still retains a physical aspect. Now, the focus is drawn more towards the physical body, the senses, sensations and emotions.

The energy of prosperity from the previous cycle (6 Metal) alters to provide a general sense of well being. This is a good time for romance and intimacy. Also, for sharing and small-talk with friends. Good times are in the air and you may feel hemmed in and unappreciated, if you choose to remain alone. Indeed, it is advised that you devote a portion of this cycle to pleasure and fun. But, don’t overindulge. The Fire ki of your annual position will provide plenty of interesting diversions, without much effort on your part. It is equally as important to spend some time relaxing quietly. Don’t burn out.

People will notice you (9 Fire) and want to help out (7 Metal). Seven is the most supported number. This is an excellent time to enlist aid for present and future projects. Your creativity will be appreciated. You will appear to be more attractive than usual. Also, your powers of conversation and persuasion will be at their peak. This is a double edged sword! Be watchful that your requests are not too superficial or self serving.

Small to medium projects will be easier than usual to complete; especially, if you remain focused on the goal. With or without help, this is an excellent time to wrap up small chores and to finalize short term assignments. Larger projects can show progress, but may require additional time.

This is one of the most emotional periods in the cycle of the nine years. Feelings and sensations (7 Metal) come to the surface (9 Fire). While it is certainly all right to be moved by a glorious sunset or a beautiful song, please do not base your important activities on your emotions. Use a practical mindset. Looks and hopes can deceive. Go with what you know you have. If more is added, so be it. If not, then you have lost nothing.

While this is an excellent time for romance and pleasure, don’t allow yourself to become swept away by superficial emotions and conditions. Keep at least one foot on the ground. Guard against situations leading to jealousy.

Next month, you will occupy the 8 Soil position; a time for changes and small, but important, improvements. But, the ki of your annual position will create diversions. Therefore, now is an excellent time to prioritize your short term plans and preparations.

Enjoy, but don’t cling onto events. Let them fade, when the time comes, and keep a warm, grateful memory. If an important experience or opportunity becomes apparent, there is no need to immediately chase after it. Just consider the possibilities and add it to your list of goals.

If you smoke, please be moderate. Keep your chest warm, especially on cool evenings.

Joy and good fortune. Pleasure in relaxing settings, especially in the evenings. Enjoy, but keep your focus. Success through perseverance and conversation.

September 8 through October 7- House of 8 Soil

World View:

Waking in deep contemplation,
the laughing monk shouts
the true name of the mountain.
Monthly Influence: controlling

General Quality: revolution, change
Inner Vision:

Sunlight on the path.
The child discovers a fortunate way
between enlightenment and confusion.
Annual Influence: controlled

General Quality: brilliance, fame

Your personal energy is antagonistic with Fire. Fire provides mild support to the 8 Soil ki of your monthly house. Strengthened 8 Soil controls your personal energy. So, 8 is now dominant. Eight can bring about changes, unannounced, while you are busy controlling Fire. Stay involved on all levels.

Eight Soil will be especially strong for people in the Southern Hemisphere, due to the energy of early spring.

Last month, it was recommended that you prepare for this time period. If you are ready, you can now set your plans into motion. Due to the flighty nature of your annual house, there will be plenty of distractions. So, the best projects should be moderate, not overwhelming. You can also deepen your involvement with existing ventures.

Concerning love and romance, you may see changing interests, in your own mind or in the eyes of others. If you have been trying to cling to a superficial relationship, this can cause sorrow. But, this is a very illuminating time. You begin to discover who has true, lasting intentions and who has just a passing interest. Fire attracts moths, there’s no doubt about it! When the lights change, who remains and who flies away?

In any case, you have your own life to complete; your own road to travel. And what better tricks to have in your bag, than fire and revolution? Seize the day! Make use of this strange ki combination. You are on an adventure! And it would not be an adventure, without something lost and something gained. That’s why it is important not to cling or to try to force events into action.

The ki of 8 Soil will support any attempts to correct misunderstandings or negative opinions. Just be yourself. Don’t be reckless or spontaneous. The best way to exhibit your talents and your true value is, still, through quiet tenacity. Work hard and socialize from a grounded, mildly conservative point of view.

Travel is a distinct possibility. If you do take a trip, plan ahead and try to maintain an orderly schedule. Fire will continue to create distractions and that’s okay. Just try to proceed in an organized way.

Your passage through the house of Fire is filled with many fleeting situations and events. Which of these transitory experiences do you wish to hold on to? The Ki of Fire is illuminating. It can show you areas of your life that are unfilled. The trick is discerning the superficial experiences from those which could be of great service to you, in the future.

For example, let’s say you have received a great round of applause for a job well done and that the recognition made you feel very good. In this case, you may wish to experience a high level of recognition, again. But, what if you did not enjoy the type of work you received the recognition for? In that case, do you really want to repeat the process? Was the applause worth it?

On the other hand, maybe you tried something new and really enjoyed it. Perhaps there was no applause and the course of events quickly faded. But, while it was happening, you felt more like a whole person. More complete. Isn’t this worth deeper exploration, in the future?

Both of the above examples are superficial experiences. It is up to you to add the depth! This year, you are traveling through a “shopping mall of life options”. Perhaps there is something you would like to obtain. This is a good time to develop a shopping list; to begin to decide how to get where you want to be, from where you are. Revolution.

You may begin to make new arrangements, but be very, very careful that you are not too forceful, arrogant, or thoughtless of the needs of others. If you feel that too much is at risk, then you should spend more time developing your plan. Beginning next February, you will enter the house of 1 Water, for the entire year. This will be an appropriate time for soul searching and getting to know yourself better, but it will not be such a good time for active outward progress. You can take new areas of illumination into this house, with you, and decide what you want to do with them, while you reside there.

Do you get the idea? Review your new options for a greater future, now. Next year (1 Water), develop a better understanding of who you are and of your relationship with new hopes and existing conditions. In following years, develop plans and set out in active progress towards your goals. This is life building! This is Nine Star Ki!

Focused Flexibility. If there are any outstanding issues or tasks that can be brought to successful resolution, please make an effort to get them wrapped up. You will be able to contact many people and travel freely, in order to get your work done. Success through sincerity and diligence.

October 8 through November 6- House of 9 Fire

World View:

Sunlight on the path.
The child discovers a fortunate way
between enlightenment and confusion.
Monthly Influence: controlled

General Quality: brilliance, fame
Inner Vision:

Sunlight on the path.
The child discovers a fortunate way
between enlightenment and confusion.
Annual Influence: controlled

General Quality: brilliance, fame

All right, here we go! When I was young, we had a di-pole antenna ("rabbit ears") on top of our television set. We would adjust the position of the two aerials, until we had a clear picture. The "doubled" ki of October is similar to the two poles of the antenna (month & year). Both aligned in the same direction; providing a clear picture of the ki of 9 Fire. Since Fire now dominates and the other 8 energies are more subdued, there are less interference patterns.

Some "interference" cannot be avoided. All energies are constantly in play, if even to a small degree. And each day presents its own unique ki, as well. But, this is as close as we normally get to observing the influence of a single energy. And, in your case, the energy is 9 Purple Fire (high summer, noon, illumination, expansion, plasma, chaos).

This is a good time to review your general commentary for the year.

Now, you can travel with relative ease, enjoy new events, showcase your skills to the max, and take in a panorama of flamboyant proportions. Though conditions are chaotic, distracting and many faceted, you maintain control.

The most important caution for this time period is, don’t be an idiot. You have been in the 9 Fire position, since February. By now, you are bewitched, bedazzled and, likely, short on sleep. This is no time for extreme behavior. Don’t overindulge, don’t be manipulative and don’t brag. Balance! As the 20th century poet said, “Keep your eyes on the road and your hands upon the wheel”.

Since you occupy the position of fortune and fame, mistakes usually work themselves out. But, they will be noticed. And, in the extreme, you could actually harm yourself, others, or your progress.

Try to keep your schedule orderly and your priorities clear. Don’t allow the energy of the times to overextend your activities. The “spotlight” will be on you, often more than you would like.

Plenty of interesting and diverse events will come your way and you will have the opportunity to enjoy several special occasions. The key, here, is to enjoy things, as they occur, but not to try to cling to them as they fade. Next year, you will enter the house of 1 White Water, where you will have the opportunity to review your inner feelings, your desires and your hopes for a brighter future. Now is an excellent time to observe the many diverse events occurring in your life. Fire illuminates, and you may find some new professional possibilities, love interests or other aspects of living that you would like to incorporate into your future life. Take note of new issues, now, for deeper evaluation during the course of the coming year.

Look at the trigram for Fire. Do you see how it is powerful on the surface (solid lines), but weak in the center (broken line)? The trigram for your personal ki, 1 Water, is precisely the opposite; weak on the surface (broken lines), but strong in the center (solid line). If you keep this image in mind, you can provide a sense of balance to this time period, by remaining strong willed and focused inside, but gentle and flexible, on the surface.

It is best to avoid excess animal foods. If you get a craving for meat, try some shellfish or white-meat fish, instead of poultry or red meat. Avoid excess yin, as well (alcohol, sugar, drugs). Pointed root vegetables, like carrots and parsnips, will supplement Water and inner strength.

Be careful around fire.

If you utilize your inner strength and behave in an ethical manner, your passage through this house can be very enjoyable. Don’t let others sway your principles. Remain productive and as balanced as possible. Enjoy this circus!

November 7 through December 6- House of 1 Water

World View:

New moon sets below the lake.
Wind and wave. Peril and distress.
Inner strength calms the surface.
Monthly Influence: harmonious

General Quality: depth, darkness
Inner Vision:

Sunlight on the path.
The child discovers a fortunate way
between enlightenment and confusion.
Annual Influence: controlled

General Quality: brilliance, fame

Splush! Aaaaahhh! The 1 Water falls into the home position. Well, at least by the monthly ki. An opportunity to "chill" a little, and to study the situation from a deeper perspective.

In the Northern Hemisphere, the cooler monthly ki (as well as your personal number) is supported by the seasonal energy of late autumn. This is a relatively beneficial ki combination; however, it is one of extremes. You also occupied this Fire-Water position, in February, when you first entered this annual house. You can look back to that time to get a general idea of the mood of this combination, but a lot has changed. The past nine months have broadened your experience with Fire. Your personal outlook and the general conditions are now more expansive, illuminated and less organized. Still, some basic advice from February applies:

1) Since you are a 1 Water individual, occupying the 1 Water monthly position, you will feel more at home. You can use this sense of familiarity to get back in touch with your deeper feelings and your long-term goals.

2) Due to this blend of Fire and Water, you must guard against extremes. Superficial behavior can breed deeper complications.

3) Forceful movements and sudden changes can produce misunderstandings, complications and time consuming details.

4) There will be a greater tendency for your feelings to swing between the positive and negative emotional levels. Be aware of this and proceed with balance.

5) It’s okay to let go; to back off and to simplify your approach! Prioritize. Focus on the details surrounding the most heated issues and put your other interests on the back burner.

6) Think before you speak. Actually, a silent approach can be very beneficial, but not to an extreme! If a clarification is required, make it. Excess talking can cause misunderstandings. A few thoughtful words bring clarity.

7) This is a good time to reflect upon previous and existing experiences; to separate passing whims from long-term interests.

8) For best results, avoid dietary extremes.

Since you now occupy the 1 Water monthly house, it is time to slow down. There is a tendency to become caught up in details. Plus, nine months of Fire energy have, likely, left you a bit tired or mentally frazzled. It is easy to see how this combination can lead to mistakes or accidents. Clearly, it is time to become more reflective; to think before you act or speak.

Fire is now easier to control. In the extreme, your annual ki can be suppressed to the point where you begin to lose the positive qualities of 9 Fire. Again, I would recommend a middle way between Fire and Water. It's okay to become involved in minute details, making corrections and maintaining control, but don't dive in so deep that you ignore Fire's good fortune and light-hearted opportunities for fun.

Beginning in February of 2004, you will enter 1 Water (your home position) for the entire year. In 2004, you'll have the opportunity to review your year in Fire, and to reach some solid conclusions about your long term goals and commitments. You can see the present 1 Water month as a preview of next year's ki.

This is an excellent time to reflect on the differences between Fire and Water; to better understand the "personality", the mood of both energies. This not only improves your understanding of Nine Star Ki, it also enables you to contrast your present experiences with the wave of the future. To see where you are and to develop an intuitive feel for where you are headed. It can also help you to realize that this annual house of Fire does come to an end; that the sun sets as surely as it rises.

Use a little extra caution when traveling. Try avoiding travel towards due north or due south. If you must go in those directions, please keep your trip as short as possible.

A more contemplative time. New definitions taking shape in the flames. Watch out for extremes! Without and within. Success through clarity, balance and reflection.

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